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Greg Stewart
Winter 2022

Fair man: Meet Greg Stewart

A friend sent him the quote “probably five years ago,” and it really resonated.

It summed up his feelings for agricultural fairs, declaring they “bring us together, and thereby make us better acquainted, and better friends than we otherwise would be. … the chief use of agricultural fairs is to aid in improving the great calling of agriculture … to make mutual exchange of agricultural discovery, information and knowledge; so that, at the end, all may know everything which may have been known to but one…”

It’s an excerpt from a longer text, and if you talk with Greg Stewart (‘71 Ag.) long enough—and he … » More …

Summer 2022

Larkin Campbell: A view from the middle

animated podcast logoVIEWSCAPES: EPISODE 14

October 19, 2022

Larkin Campbell calls himself an unknown actor. Now the Washington State University alum takes us behind the scenes of a life in Hollywood, not as a celebrity but as someone who loves the industry even if only a few recognize him.

Larkin Campbell

In this episode, Larkin talks about his WSU memories, getting into the acting business, and playing Coach Shane in the 125th episode of The Office, as husband of … » More …

Sueann Ramella smiles next to vintage microphone
Fall 2022

Voices of Northwest Public Broadcasting

In celebration of 100 years of broadcasting at Washington State University, Northwest Public Broadcasting staffers discuss their work, its impact, and more.


Becoming a fully forged broadcaster

By Sueann Ramella ’00 Comm.

Program director

Reflecting back, the most defining moments of my education came from my time at Northwest Public Radio, now Northwest Public Broadcasting.

In the late 1990s, radio was live 24/7. New recruits were asked to staff the overnight shifts. I’d leave my Bookie Café job at 7:45 pm to start my overnight at NWPB. The Morning Edition host would relieve me at 4 am. Then, as now, students … » More …