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Washington State Magazine‘s combination of journalistic excellence and an engaged readership of over 150,000 offers exceptional advertising value as a regional university magazine.

Learn more about our magazine and your advertising opportunities in our Advertising Guide, along with details, rates, and specifications for advertising in Washington State Magazine.

Advertising Guide (PDF)

Support our advertisers


Advertising Contact

Lowell Ganin
cell: 520-307-1759
work: 206-717-5808


Advertising Deadlines

Fall 2024 issue (August):

Advertising space reservation: April 19, 2024

Advertisement copy and art: May 31 2024

Winter 2024 issue (November) — special distribution*:

Advertising space reservation: July 26, 2024

Advertisement copy and art: September 6, 2024

Spring 2025 issue (February) — special distribution*:

Advertising space reservation: October 18, 2024

Advertisement copy and art: November 29, 2024

Summer 2025 issue (May) — exclusive distribution**:

Advertising space reservation: January 24, 2025

Advertisement copy and art: March 7, 2025


* Sent to alumni donors and members, paid subscribers, and some non-alumni donors.

** Sent exclusively to WSU Alumni Association members and paid subscribers.


Advertisement Artwork

Digital files may be submitted to the art director on a CD/DVD, via FTP at (use as the recipient’s name), or by email (under 10MB) to Please include all pertinent insertion and contact information along with the ad reservation.

Detailed guidelines to create digital art for advertisements.