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John McGuire near a forest wearing a red safety vest and leaning on a tool
Spring 2024

Fire and longleaf pines: A talk with John McGuire

John McGuire (’93 Env. Sci., ’95 Biol.) directs the Private Lands Prescribed Fire Program at Tall Timbers, Inc. He holds a master’s degree in forestry from Auburn University and serves as president of both the Alabama Prescribed Fire Council and Alabama Invasive Plant Council.

His awards include 2016 Forest Conservationist of the Year in Jackson, Missouri; 2008 Longleaf Alliance Contribution Award in Auburn, Alabama; 2004 USDA Forest Service Centennial Congress Award in Asheville, North Carolina; 2003 South Carolina Wildlife Society Forest Stewardship Award in Columbia, South Carolina; and 2000 Governor’s Award for Forest Conservation in Montgomery, Alabama.

McGuire was the outreach coordinator for the Longleaf … » More …

Map of Washington state
Spring 2024

Pharmacy care in rural Washington—an interactive map

Rural health care access in Washington rural counties and the Rural Health Initiative

Millions of Washington state residents live in primary care shortage areas and nearly 800,000 struggle to access minimum health care in rural Washington. Washington State University’s Rural Health Initiative (RHI) addresses the need for pharmacists in rural communities by placing WSU pharmacy students with a rural, independent pharmacy for six weeks.

Washington State pharmacy map

MEDICALLY UNDERSERVED AREAS & POPULATIONS — MUA and MUP designations identify areas within counties or populations as having a lack of access to … » More …