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Two WSU Daily Evergreen staffers check out the newspaper
Winter 2021

Evergreen memories

The low pay. The late nights. The last-minute interviews. Deadline pressure. Breaking news. Coffee runs. Election-night pizza. Front-page bylines. The student newspaper at Washington State University has been providing hands-on journalism experience in what many former staffers describe as a kind of learning laboratory for more than a hundred years.

Here, former staffers share some of their memories of writing the first drafts of history for the Daily Evergreen. Some recollections are written by former Evergreeners themselves. Others are written by magazine staff. All capture a sense of the hard work, time management, and lessons learned in the basement of the … » More …

Fall 2021

TRIO stories

The academic pipeline serving low-income and first-generation students at Washington State University has many success stories.

WSU alumni of TRIO programs tell about their paths after Washington State.


Ariana Garcia (’16 Socio.) — McNair as a Gateway to Research (Council of Graduate Schools GradImpact spotlight, 2021)

Cristal Reyna Thompson (’13 Microbiol.) — Doctoral success for a McNair alumna at the University of Notre Dame and beyond

A talk with Ivan Valdovinos

Ivan Valdovinos (’15 English, Spanish) came from the small town of Soap Lake to Wenatchee Valley Community College and then Washington State University. He was first … » More …