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Notable Alumni

Summer 2022

Larkin Campbell: A view from the middle

animated podcast logoVIEWSCAPES: EPISODE 14

October 19, 2022

Larkin Campbell calls himself an unknown actor. Now the Washington State University alum takes us behind the scenes of a life in Hollywood, not as a celebrity but as someone who loves the industry even if only a few recognize him.

Larkin Campbell

In this episode, Larkin talks about his WSU memories, getting into the acting business, and playing Coach Shane in the 125th episode of The Office, as husband of … » More …

Karen Troyanello
Fall 2022

The face of the case

Track-and-field standout Karen (Blair) Troianello (’80 Comm.) became the face of the benchmark equal rights case against Washington State University.

Blair vs. Washington State University was a milestone for women’s rights in Washington, setting a precedent for public four-year colleges and universities. The case went to the state Supreme Court, which—in 1987—ruled in favor of the coaches and athletes.

Coaches and female athletes at WSU had sued the university in 1979 over inadequate funding and other support for women’s athletics under the state Equal Rights Amendment, enacted the same year as Title IX of the Education Amendments Act. The 1972 federal law states: “No person … » More …

Fall 2022

Help pets of Ukrainian refugees

The flow of refugees from the invasion and conflict in Ukraine isn’t just a human crisis.

Dogs, cats, and other pets often make the journey with their people, and they have their own needs. Pets endure the stress of travel, unknown places and faces, and dangerous situations.

In turn, though, they give comfort to Ukrainians forced to flee their homes.

“When your world is turned upside down, but you have the unconditional love of a pet, that is going to be what helps. That bond is unbreakable,” says Marty Becker (’80 DVM).

Becker and others are helping with pets of Ukrainian refugees in Romania, Poland, … » More …