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Summer 2024

Feeling the heat

The planet hit new highs in 2023 with its warmest year on record. Evidence suggests that Earth might not have been this warm in 100,000 years.

Temperatures have been going up for years due to climate change, but last year reached unprecedented levels with additional factors such as El Niño, the cyclical climate pattern that is often linked with record-setting heat worldwide.

The Pacific Northwest really started feeling the extreme heat in 2021 when the “heat dome” broke records and buckled roads. Washington State University assistant professor Deepti Singh studies extreme weather events and, in this issue, she assesses the impacts of 2021 and … » More …

Winter 2023

Weather Watch: Reflecting on a Year of Extremes with Nathan Santo Domingo

2023 was a year of weather extremes, with damaging floods, fires, and storms unfolding across the globe.

The United States logged a historic number of billion-dollar weather disasters, while smoke from Canada’s wildfires choked parts of the country.

“It’s kind of odd to be talking about our neighbor just to the north, but they really did have such a big impact in North America and also globally,” says Nathan Santo Domingo, a field meteorologist with Washington State University’s AgWeatherNet.

Besides the highest ever reported number of acres burned, the Canadian wildfire season was unusual for its longevity. “Wildfire season got going … » More …