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History of University

Two WSU Daily Evergreen staffers check out the newspaper
Winter 2021

Evergreen memories

The low pay. The late nights. The last-minute interviews. Deadline pressure. Breaking news. Coffee runs. Election-night pizza. Front-page bylines. The student newspaper at Washington State University has been providing hands-on journalism experience in what many former staffers describe as a kind of learning laboratory for more than a hundred years.

Here, former staffers share some of their memories of writing the first drafts of history for the Daily Evergreen. Some recollections are written by former Evergreeners themselves. Others are written by magazine staff. All capture a sense of the hard work, time management, and lessons learned in the basement of the … » More …

Washington State University cheer squad in the late 1970s
Fall 2021

Cheers for WSU

Stories of Washington State University cheerleading and spirit squads

If you have your own cheer stories, send them to Washington State Magazine.


1972 Rally Squad

As a senior I was happy to be a part of Rally Squad my final semester at WSU in the fall of 1972. A highlight was picking up then Governor Dan Evans at the airport in my 1948 International mail van with Rally Squad members crowding the inside. We drove right to the front of the CUB and dropped him off with the Evergreen reporters, cheering fans, and bigwigs welcoming him to our incredible university. In addition, that … » More …

WSU students at Zion National park for Outdoor Recreation Center trip
Fall 2021

Memories of the ORC

They trekked and climbed, skied and snowshoed, camped and hiked, biked and paddled—and learned some things about themselves along the way.

The experiences they shared and skills they gained as participants or employees at Washington State University’s Outdoor Recreation Center shaped their careers, grew into lifelong passions, and became treasured memories.

Here, in celebration of the ORC’s fiftieth anniversary this year, they share some of the moments and history that helped define them and the long-running program.


The beginning

He didn’t start it, and it wasn’t his idea. But Chris Tapfer is often credited with both. That’s because he got involved with … » More …

Young Chinese men in the late nineteenth century wearing western clothes
Fall 2021

China’s First Hundred

In 1872 thirty young Chinese boys landed in San Francisco to begin a ten-year period of education in the colleges and technical institutions of the United States. These students and the others who followed them returned to their homeland as the first Chinese to receive an extensive education in Western technology and ideas.

“China’s First Hundred,” as they were called, built China’s first railroads, developed China’s mines, constructed a nationwide system of telegraph lines, became naval officers in an attempt to modernize China’s navy, and took a prominent part in the events leading to the Revolution of 1911.

In his book, China’s First Hundred: Educational … » More …

Memories of Johnson Hall

Johnson Hall at Washington State University Pullman is scheduled to be torn down in Spring 2022, and a new agricultural research and USDA building will be constructed in its place.

We’re collecting memories before the old building is gone. If you spent time in Johnson Hall as a researcher, student, or other reason, please let us know as we preserve the history of Johnson Hall.

Thank you.


Memories of Johnson Hall

“Many of my classes were held in Johnson Hall as I studied forestry and wildland recreation. I have one very special memory. I posted an ad on a Johnson Hall bulletin board … » More …

Summer 2021

Stevens Hall life—Memories from former residents

In the early 1980s, former residents were mailed questionnaires about life at Stevens Hall. The Stevens Hall Historical Questionnaires now reside at the Washington State University Libraries Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC).

The collection consists of two boxes containing nearly 100 folders with forms filled out and mailed back between 1982 and 1985. Here are some quotes from the project as well as from Facebook. Earlier this year, Washington State Magazine put the call out for Stevens Hall memories on social media, and many alumni responding by posting short reminisces. Some are included here, too.


Mary (Bartlett) Hunt (1910 … » More …