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Diane and Phil Ohl by a mountain lake in Patagonia carry a WSU Cougar flag
Winter 2021

Phil and Diane Ohl’s travel tips  

Coug couple Phil and Diane Ohl run Open Door Travelers and share their around-the-world adventures on a travel blog, Instagram, and Facebook.

As countries re-open and more and more Americans become comfortable with traveling again, Washington State Magazine asked the Ohls to offer their tips for successful trips—from what to bring to their favorite travel apps. Here are their suggestions and recommendations.

Lighten up

There are hundreds of cool travel gadgets and gimmicks out there, from multi-function voltage converters to high-tech water bottles and ultra-light carry-on bags. Our biggest travel tip is more of a philosophy than a series of gadgets: travel light, and buy or trade local clothes and accessories as we go. We typically start an eight-week adventure with half-empty carry-ons … » More …

Two WSU Daily Evergreen staffers check out the newspaper
Winter 2021

Evergreen memories

The low pay. The late nights. The last-minute interviews. Deadline pressure. Breaking news. Coffee runs. Election-night pizza. Front-page bylines. The student newspaper at Washington State University has been providing hands-on journalism experience in what many former staffers describe as a kind of learning laboratory for more than a hundred years.

Here, former staffers share some of their memories of writing the first drafts of history for the Daily Evergreen. Some recollections are written by former Evergreeners themselves. Others are written by magazine staff. All capture a sense of the hard work, time management, and lessons learned in the basement of the … » More …

Blake Loos prepares a cocktail at Etsi Bravo
Winter 2021

Bravo for this spiced apple cocktail

Late autumn and early winter conjure up images of leaves changing colors, apples, holiday festivities, and warming spices. Washington State Magazine asked Blake (Loos) Preston (’14 Wine Busi. Mgmt.) to share a cocktail recipe that captures the mood and highlights the flavors of the season.

She owns Pullman’s premier nightclub and lounge with her husband, Cory. Etsi Bravo pivoted twice during the pandemic and was able to not only survive but thrive. In fact, the Prestons expanded their hospitality footprint on the Palouse, opening two new College Hill establishments in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.


In this Etsi Bravo seasonal favorite, lime … » More …

WSU students at Zion National park for Outdoor Recreation Center trip
Fall 2021

Memories of the ORC

They trekked and climbed, skied and snowshoed, camped and hiked, biked and paddled—and learned some things about themselves along the way.

The experiences they shared and skills they gained as participants or employees at Washington State University’s Outdoor Recreation Center shaped their careers, grew into lifelong passions, and became treasured memories.

Here, in celebration of the ORC’s fiftieth anniversary this year, they share some of the moments and history that helped define them and the long-running program.


The beginning

He didn’t start it, and it wasn’t his idea. But Chris Tapfer is often credited with both. That’s because he got involved with … » More …