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Book cover of The Cascade Killer
Winter 2022

The Cascade Killer: A Luke McCain Novel

Book cover of The Cascade Killer

Rob Phillips ’78 Comm.

Latah Books: 2020


A father and son snag a black bear near Chinook Pass during their first hunt of the season and come across human remains⁠—an ear among the animal’s stomach contents. Luke McCain, a Yakima-based Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife officer who also just happens to be a WSU alum, is called to the scene along with his trusty sidekick.

Jack, a yellow Labrador retriever, leads McCain and a crew of sheriff’s deputies … » More …

Cover of book Remote by DJ Lee
Spring 2021

Remote: Finding Home in the Bitterroots

Cover of book Remote by DJ Lee

DJ Lee

Oregon State University Press: 2020


Places can possess us. Think of the stubbled, ochre hills of the Palouse in the chaffy light of October. No place possesses me more than the landscape defined by two rivers, the Lochsa and the Selway, where the rumpled land of the Bitterroot Mountains lies in the V between them.

Nearly 20 years ago, I told the writer DJ Lee, a Regents Professor of » More …

Spring 2015

Voices of the wilderness



They saw in the water many of the serpent-kind,
wondrous sea-dragons exploring the waters,
such nicors as lie on the headlands,
who, in the mornings, often accomplish
sorrowful deeds on the sail-road,
serpents and wild-beasts.

So concludes the epic poem Beowulf. Speaking Old English, storytellers composed Beowulf extemporaneously and shared passages from person to person for thousands of years until they were written down sometime between the eighth and the eleventh centuries. Beowulf is very much a poem about animals, so it’s appropriate to translate its last word, “wilde-or,” as “wild-beasts,” though the … » More …