Video: Willapa Bay Oysters
“Willapa Bay Oysters” is a seven-part video documentary series by Keith Cox, sharing the stories of the oyster men and women of Willapa Bay, in Washington State.
» More ...“Willapa Bay Oysters” is a seven-part video documentary series by Keith Cox, sharing the stories of the oyster men and women of Willapa Bay, in Washington State.
» More ...On a Saturday night in late August, the oyster community of Willapa Bay has gathered in the Raymond Theater to watch themselves on the screen. Local boy Keith Cox had gone off to Hollywood, but then returned to document his home and the life of Willapa Bay and its oystering.
Every seat in the elegant old theater is full, and the room is buzzing.
Cox is premiering the eighth in a series of documentaries on the bay, on oyster farming, on the oystermen themselves. What started out as an innocent project intended to summarize the industry has led to over 130 interviews, over 350 hours … » More …
FOR AN OYSTER LOVER, speeding down the Willapa River in an open boat toward Willapa Bay and its oyster beds must be like approaching the Celestial City. Even if it is cold for May, and gray, and spitting rain, everyone in the boat is smiling beatifically.
Approximately 15 percent of the oysters consumed in the United States come from Willapa Bay, just north of the mouth of the Columbia River. Ten thousand acres of the bay are devoted to oyster farming. Coast Seafood, whose CFO Kay Cogan ’79 and operations manager Tim Morris are escorting me to oyster heaven, is the largest oyster producer in … » More …