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Two WSU Daily Evergreen staffers check out the newspaper
Winter 2021

Evergreen memories

The low pay. The late nights. The last-minute interviews. Deadline pressure. Breaking news. Coffee runs. Election-night pizza. Front-page bylines. The student newspaper at Washington State University has been providing hands-on journalism experience in what many former staffers describe as a kind of learning laboratory for more than a hundred years.

Here, former staffers share some of their memories of writing the first drafts of history for the Daily Evergreen. Some recollections are written by former Evergreeners themselves. Others are written by magazine staff. All capture a sense of the hard work, time management, and lessons learned in the basement of the … » More …

Winter 2009

Map: Changes in Washington state newspapers

Not that many years ago Washington’s legislature was covered by more than 30 journalists from around the state. Now that number is eight. The Seattle Times no longer has a bureau on the east side of Lake Washington, and a print Post-Intelligencer no longer exists. Who will give us information and investigation when the papers have all gone?

Read “Paper Cuts” by Hannelore Sudermann in the Winter 2009 issue of Washington State Magazine.

Download a map file (KML) that can be opened in Google Earth or similar. Click a newspaper or online news source on the map below … » More …

Winter 2009

Old News

Just as several of Washington’s newspapers have vanished from the landscape, librarians and volunteers are bringing our state’s near-forgotten newspapers to light. Through a project in the Washington Secretary of State’s office, library employees and about 15 volunteers are digitizing the Washington State Library’s extensive newspaper collection to make it accessible to teachers, students, and the general public. In addition, WSU’s own Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections division recently assumed responsibility for an aging newspaper collection in the Holland library that contains Pacific Northwest papers dating back to 1851 as well as Colonial America papers dating to 1728.

Both … » More …

Winter 2003

New Deal at the library

The Works Progress Administration (WPA), established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935 as part of his New Deal reforms, was designed to put Americans back to work at a time when the country was suffering massive unemployment from the Great Depression. Now the results of one WPA program can be found on Washington State University’s Web site.

Historians working for the WPA in the 1930s and 1940s clipped and archived more than 300,000 newspaper articles dealing with issues and events in the Pacific Northwest from the 1890s to 1940. But it was the inspiration of Ingrid Mifflin, system librarian with the WSU Libraries, … » More …