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Sherridan and Jeff Poffenroth with WSU Sophomore Bret Poffenroth and Ryan Poffenroth ’17 (Family Facebook photo from WSU Parents’ Chat Café)
Spring 2018

WSU Parents Chat Café

What is the definition of the Coug family?

WSU Parents Chat Café is a Facebook group where parents of WSU students come together in support of each other. We handle the noncampus types of questions that WSU staff might not have the personal know-how or time to answer. We handle questions around ordering cupcakes, pizza delivery, local medical services, flight and travel information, winter tires and clothing, and many others. I tell new members, those questions that wake you in the middle of the night? We have also had them and we have the answers. There really isn’t any question you can come up with,that … » More …

In Memoriam
Spring 2018

In memoriam


Necia Bennett Huntley (’35 History), 104, September 24, 2017, Olympia.

Lyle G. Nicholson (’37 DVM), 102, August 9, 2017, Hood River, Oregon.

Lucile Ramsey Cavanaugh (’39 Home Econ.), 99, July 21, 2017, Winchester, Massachusetts.


Sarah Schlademan Hall (’41 History), 97, August 12, 2017, Everett.

Aurel A. Hays (’41 Hort.), 100, March 29, 2017, Rancho Mirage, California.

H. Robert Ripley (’41 Gen. St.), 94, June 27, 2015, Castro Valley, California.

Maurice R. Smith (’41 Arch., Sigma Nu), 99, November 13, 2017, Yakima.

Maxine Spencer Green (’43 Psych.), 95, June 19, 2016, Bellingham.

Lenore Johnson Hicks (’47 Home Econ.), 91, December 8, 2016, San Rafael, … » More …