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Fall 2002

From Russia with Love: Cougar matryoshka dolls a big hit

Sue Senner’s (’80 Comm.) travels occasionally take her to places like Chornobyl, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. She is a project manager for the International Nuclear Safety Program (INSP) at Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland.

For several years, she has provided communications support to international nuclear safety groups. She also manages a safety project for the Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant in northeastern Russia, currently helping staff there coordinate an emergency preparedness exercise for later this summer.

“We want to assure that appropriate procedures are in place and staff are trained to handle an emergency situation,” she said in May. Ultimately, she said, “We’re working … » More …

Fall 2002

Palmers want to give others hope for the future

Sometime in the near future Perry Palmer and his wife, Marcie, want to return to the Colville Indian Reservation. Young students there lack good role models, as well as incentives, Perry says. They need to be made aware of opportunities for advanced education and benefit from them as the Palmers have.

Perry completed a master’s degree in education at Washington State University in May. Marcie will finish her doctorate in counseling psychology next May.

Both are members of the Colville Confederated Tribes. They met on the reservation, where Marcie spent three years as a social worker for Child Protective Services, and were married there in … » More …