It pays to know who pays

I was happy to see Alysen Boston’s article [“An epidemic of misinformation,” Fall 2020]. She is correct to point out motives of political or sales agendas. When we investigate sources, it is not enough to know the source, we must know who is paying the source. Follow the money! Is it a few dollars of support from an individual or billions from an industry? Once we know that answer, motives become very apparent. Using coronavirus as the obvious example: Research for yourself who is paying billions of dollars to politicians, universities, mainstream media, WHO, CDC, NIH, certain doctors in the limelight and funding scientific and unscientific studies for and against certain treatments/cures. It is easy to find public information. The answer will not surprise anyone. Another point not mentioned in the article, is what information are we not receiving at all due to censorship? When an entity or group is in a position to gain big money profit from pushing one side of an agenda, any information they pay for is suspect.

Wesley Wilkerson ’85 Busi.


Proud of the pride

Cougar confidential” [Fall 2020] brought back fond memories of my own experience as Butch and made me realize there is likely a whole cadre of other Butch alumni that go unheralded: those brought into service for events at the then newly-developing branch campuses. When I was brought in as director of development for the Tri-Cities campus, there were so many requests for Butch to appear at events in the area that it was impossible to fulfill the demand from the Pullman campus. So, WSU Tri-Cities was given its own costume.

While access to a proper costume was key, there was no training provided that anyone could recall and the only instruction provided was that Butch did not speak. My two major non-WSU sponsored events were at a Tri-City Americans hockey game and the annual 4th of July community parade.

I recall how disappointing it was after the hockey game to walk out of the locker room with Butch safely tucked into the duffel bag, wading through rows of kids who minutes before were enthusiastically hugging and high-fiving Butch but were now completely ignoring Glenn who emerged out of it. Gave me great respect for all the former Butches who managed to maintain their secret identity for sometimes years. A remarkable group of students and so glad they are now finally getting their due respect.

Glenn Williams ’89 Busi.


I found the article in the fall Washington State Magazine on the dangers to insect populations interesting and especially needed in these times.

I would like to add to the suggestions for citizens who want to help bees, butterflies and birds and which every home owner can help with. The facts are that we need to change our yard focus from total neatness and, especially, lawn perfection.

Instead we should learn what plants are important for insect and bird life and add them to our gardens. And especially stop the total leaf blowing that removes every last twig and leaf to our garden grounds. Birds and insects need these little piles of vegetation in order to shelter and to breed. Lawns! All too often these invite the need for pesticides which doom the lives of these small creatures. Think of diminishing the size of our lawn areas.

Home owners need to be educated and encourage to support more natural yards that use nature’s gifts to provide protection for insects and birds.

Helene England

Eugene, Oregon