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Movie director

Scene for Rogue Warfare: The Hunt with soldier helping his wounded comrade
Spring 2021

Q&A with Andrew DeCesare

Get to know more about Andrew DeCesare, his work on the Rogue Warfare trilogy, and breaking into the movie business.

How did the trilogy come about?

We started talking about the concept in 2016. Originally, it was five films. We chose a terror threat and tried to play with the story and make people think about current events. The concept of a global special forces team upped its sales value. Really, this movie had seven leads instead of one or two like typical films. Our goal was to prove to ourselves that we know what we’re doing, we know what we’re talking … » More …

Book - Briefly Noted
Summer 2017

Briefly noted


Atomic Geography: A Personal History of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation

Melvin R. Adams

WSU Press: 2016

One of the first environmental engineers at Hanford recalls his two decades of study of both the toxic soil and water at the nuclear site, and the wildlife and plants that thrive on the 586 square miles of central Washington desert. Adams helped determine the initial scope of the soil cleanup at Hanford, among other projects there. He shares his perspectives on leaking waste storage, the obsession with safety, and the paradoxical nature of a place that’s a sprawling wildlife refuge and one of the most complex environmental … » More …