The robots are coming…to an orchard or field near you.
Robots, drones, and automation are part of the smart agriculture movement with the aim of creating the farms of the future.
Watch some of the robots in action…
Robotic apple harvester making headway (Good Fruit Grower, January 14, 2022)
Automatic fruit picker demonstration by FF Robotics (Good Fruit Grower, 2017)
Mechanical pollination trials on a commercial cherry crop (Good Fruit Grower, 2016)
Featuring WSU horticulturist Matthew Whiting at the Prosser-based WSU research orchard
LaserWeeder implement (Carbon Robotics, 2022)
Apple blossom thinning robot (April 2022, courtesy Manoj Karkee)
Video and news story about WSU flower thinning robot
(KNDO 23 NBC, April 26, 2022)
Related videos
Future Orchard Systems (featuring Matthew Whiting)