Souvenir Card – Pullman "Artesian Well" Washington Center of the Famous Palouse Country (1890) McConnell-Champes Dry Goods Store, Pullman, 1892. Rear of McConnell-Champes Dry Goods Store, showing artesian well. Artesian Hotel, Pullman ca. 1910. People stand out in front of the Artesian Hotel formerly located on Main and Grand. Artesian Well (1913). 147 Foot Artesian Well. 2400 Gal. Per Minute at Pullman, Wa. Photographer: Robert Burns Newspaper clipping: Robinson dam may aid wells. Hope for Moscow’s shrinking water supply rose here today as soil conservation officials saw in Robinson dam, constructed five miles north of the city by CCC workers last year, a possible source of supply for local artesian well Well Drilling (June 14, 1955). By Ralph Raymond Hutchison. “Pullman used its artesian wells for nearly 80 years…But in the 1950s the wells started running out.” Courtesy WSU Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections