Photos of early Master Gardener plant clinics in 1973 Extension staff answering questions at a 1973 plant clinic. (clockwise from rear) David Gibby; Bernie Wesenberg; Timothy Smith (currently with WSU Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center in Wenatchee); Arlen Davidson with the microscope. David Gibby (left) discusses an evergreen with a customer. Sharon Collman (arm raised looking at a slide), King County Extension agent (currently with Snohomish County Extension) next to Art Dome, an amateur rhododendron and heather expert from Seattle, helping customers at the plant clinic. David Gibby (right) helping customers at a 1973 Master Gardener clinic in the Tacoma Mall. Extension staff identifying a plant for customers. (left to right) Sharon Collman, King County Extension agent (currently with Snohomish County Extension); customer; Art Dome, amateur rhododendron and heather expert, photographer, and Seattle resident; customer. Extension staff answering questions at a 1973 Master Gardener plant clinic held in the Tacoma Mall. Extension staff answering questions at a 1973 Master Gardener plant clinic held in the Tacoma Mall.(left to right) A customer; Bernie Wesenberg, WSU horticulture specialist; Dr. Arlen Davidson, chair, WSU plant pathology department (Puyallup).