Happiness is a many-splendored thing.

There are a lot of facets to well-being, happiness, and joy. Washington State University faculty in history, psychology, philosophy, nursing, and medicine examined several aspects of happiness in the Fall 2022 feature, “…and the pursuit of happiness.” The science of happiness has been a growing field, with real world implications for our mental and physical health, society, and future.

Dive even deeper into the topic through the articles and courses below.


The Science of Well-being

This popular free course from Yale University offers a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits.

Over 3 Million People Took This Course on Happiness. Here’s What Some Learned. (The New York Times, March 13, 2021)


World Happiness Report logo

World Happiness Report

WHR has a global survey on how people evaluate their own lives in more than 150 countries worldwide. The organization also has reports on trends in the concepts of well-being, biological basis for happiness, benevolence and trust, and other aspects.


tree faces exchanging thoughts represented as birds

What Is Happiness? (The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 7, 2022)

A philosopher and a psychologist discuss meaning, politics, and the pleasures of disagreement.


Online ‘Happiness’ Classes Might Work Better Than You Think (Wired, March 24, 2022)

Science of happiness courses are attracting thousands of students. But there’s still a lot to learn about whether these lessons stick.


Why do people in Nordic countries consistently rank as the happiest and what can we learn from them?(EuroNews, April 20, 2022)


Declaration of Independence

What the Declaration of Independence really means by ‘pursuit of happiness’ (Emory University, July 3, 2018)


A Happy Society Is An Entrepreneurial Society(Forbes, June 17, 2022)

The article features research from Washington State University that highlights how trust in government appears to be closely linked with our feelings of security at work and loyalty to our employer.