Finding Chaz

Anisa Ashabi ’20 Comm.

All Ears Publishing: 2022

Anisa Ashabi began writing this young adult novel during middle school on Bainbridge Island, completing it during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. The contemporary coming-of-age story stars Roxie Nazari, an imperfect but likable and relatable Iranian girl who’s growing up in a small, homogenous Washington community and facing harassment. In school detention with her tormentor, she learns of their similarities.


Ghost Herd

Narrated by Anna King ’00 Comm.

Northwest Public Broadcasting: 2022

The investigative podcast chronicles the story of powerful Washington rancher Cody Easterday and one of the largest cases of agricultural fraud in US history. Easterday swindled nearly $250 million dollars by inventing a “ghost herd” of 265,000 cattle that only existed on paper. The podcast covers pressures on independent ranchers, changing politics of land ownership, and increasing unaffordability in some communities.

Listen to the podcast at


My Friend Ben and the First Snow

Charles Beyl ’84 Fine Arts

Albert Whitman & Co.: 2022

In the fourth Chip and Ben story, best buddies and beavers prepare for snow. Chip helps his parents gather food and winterize their nest, then has frozen adventures. This is the sixth children’s book written and illustrated by Beyl.


Montana Modernists: Shifting Perceptions of Western Art

Michele Corriel

WSU Press: 2022

The first book devoted to the avant-garde art movement of Montana Modernism, Corriel’s exploration concentrates on place, lineage, and Montana community with examples of the artwork.


The Art of Range

Narrated and produced by Tip Hudson

WSU Extension

Director of Yakima County Extension and rangeland management professor Hudson covers a wide swath of topics of interest to ranchers, livestock and resource professionals, and anyone in rangelands work.

Find it at


Raising Kids: Your Essential Guide to Everyday Parenting

Sheri Glucoft Wong and Olaf Jorgenson ’88 English & Phil, ’93 MA English

Matt Holt Books: 2022

This practical and approachable guide encourages parents to “be curious, not furious” and become “fully aware” of their “parenting self.” Examples help parents decide when and how to engage or step back.


U.S. Wars & Diseases: Smallpox, Typhoid, Yellow Fever and Others

Lee R. McDowell ’71 PhD Ani. Sci.


A University of Florida emeritus professor of nutrition provides a look at American conflicts and their relationships with epidemics⁠—from King Philip’s War, or the First Indian War, of 1675, to the more recent Gulf War and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Dark Matter Monsters

Simeon Hein ’92 PhD Socio.

Mount Baldy Press: 2022

Hein asks, “If Bigfoot is an ancient primate, why is it seen around paranormal phenomena?” He examines the connections between cryptids, ball lightning, and anomalies.


Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering at Washington State University: More than 100 Years Committed to Building a Better and More Sustainable Agriculture

L.G. James, D.C. Davis, R. Cavalieri, C. Stockle, J. Tang, M. Garcia-Perez, et alia


This volume chronicles the 130-year evolution of agricultural engineering at Washington State University, from its 1892 origins through the impacts of World War II to today. Larry James, retired chair of the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, spearheaded the compilation, aided by WSU archivist Mark O’English and former Washington State Magazine staff writer Brian Clark, who edited and designed the book. Staff and current and retired biological systems engineering faculty contributed. And more than a dozen alumni representing more than 50 years in the department are spotlighted.