John Gorham, longtime professor of veterinary microbiology and pathology in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University, received the Gold Head Cane Award in July. The award from the Hartz Mountain Corp. recognizes his landmark contributions to the epidemiology of certain animal diseases, some of which also affect humans.
Gorham is an international authority on slow-virus disease research in animals. He is perhaps best known for his 1953 co-discovery of the microorganism responsible for salmon poisoning in dogs and foxes.
In recent years, Gorham’s research group has worked on three fronts—developing a diagnostic test for scrapie in sheep; investigating the molecular biology, immunology, and epidemiology of hemoparasitic diseases; and bovine herpes viruses.
Gorham holds two degrees from WSU, including a D.V.M. earned in 1946. In 1993, he received the WSU Regents Distinguished Alumnus Award, the highest honor the University bestows on its graduates.