Agility dogs perform amazing physical feats but like all athletes, there are risks.

Debra Sellon, a professor at the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine, owns and trains agility dogs. She recognized the risks to dogs and cofounded the Agility Dog Health Network.

Sellon explains more about agility dog health below, followed by videos of competitions, how to get into agility dog training, and a dog that’s, well, not really following the agility rules.

Agility Dog Health Network (WSU Veterinary Medicine)

More about the Agility Dog Health Network


Best of 2022 Masters Agility Championships from Westminster Kennel Club (FOX Sports)


How to get started in Dog Agility | Dog Tips and Tricks (The Kennel Club)

Agility champion Anthony Clarke walks through some of the things you need to know to get started in dog agility, from registering your dog so you can compete at official events, to the basic obedience you’ll need to sail round the course with no faults.


Hilarious rescue dog Kratu steals the show (and a pole)! (Crufts)