A Formative Decade: Ireland in the 1920s

Edited by Jason Knirck ’96 MA, ’00 PhD, Mel Farrell, and Ciara Meehan

Irish Academic Press: 2015

Knirck, a history professor at Central Washington University, and his fellow editors and contributors chronicle the events in Irish history during the ’20s, when Ireland underwent transformations in national identity and allegiances. Knirck’s contribution examines the role of the loyal opposition, the Irish Farmers’ Party.


Zen and the Art of Dog Walking

By G. Ray Sullivan Jr. ’73

Deeds Publishing: 2015

Sullivan authored this collection of photographs and musings as a simple descriptive journey of how he discovered natural beauty and spiritual peace by walking his dog.


Kafka’s Architectures: Doors, Rooms, Stairs and Windows of an Intricate Literary Edifice

By Ayad B. Rahmani

McFarland: 2014

Using Kafka as a lens, WSU architecture professor Rahmani examines modern concepts in architecture and literature.